These simple tips can help you in relieving stress while harnessing more energy throughout your day to be more productive. Having a high emotional awareness of yourself is one of the best things you can accomplish in your healing journey. I hope they help you as much as they have helped me.
1. Take the break:
If you are overwhelmed today, say so! If you don't want to, say so. If you are tired, say so. Don't get caught up saying yes because it's easier than saying no and risking your sanity. Ask yourself this question: Are you doing anybody else any good if you’re running around spreading yourself to thin? If the answer is no, then take a break when you need it and don't feel guilty about it. It's ok to sit down for a minute.
2. Move your body:
We are objects in motion and need to remain in motion or we become stagnant & stale. There are so many things you can do to keep your body in movement. I'm not asking you to run 20 miles. Just move a bit. You could take a walk, do some stretches, yoga, or dance. There are so many things you can do to keep your body moving. Can't think of anything? Try googling “easy self care exercises” and you’ll find a slew of them that will fit your needs if you look long enough. We’re working on our most precious person here. You!
3. Skin care:
Finding a good skin care routine that you see results in is a must. When you look your best self you will feel better about yourself.
4. Sit for 5:
“Take a mindful moment” as my friend Angela always tells me. Grab a MMT chakra candle and get to meditating, relaxing or hiding in the closet from your kids. Whatever you need to do to focus for just a minute on being still. We all need a quiet moment and some space. Carve out a time slot and stick to it.
5. Breathe:
I'm not talking about your everyday, this is what I do to live, typical breathing. I’m speaking of long, drawn in, deep breaths. The kind where you feel like you inhaled peace. Practicing deep breathing mixed with tip #4 can clear your mind and help you focus on you, at that moment. Try it. It really does work.
❤️ Kalyn